Be on trend
with our Concept Development Services

Whether it’s a brand new idea or you’re looking for or a new lease of life in your current business - we’ve got you covered. We also specialise in creating new revenue streams from virtual brands to catering concepts. Concept creation is our bread & butter, we’ll happily offer a free initial consultation to see what’s right for your business.

What We Do

Heather Mcknight

Managing Director

I am a focused, global, dynamic F&B leader with 20+ years experience from Michelin Star Restaurants through to Quick Service Retail and Virtual Delivery Brands. I bring functional depth through hands on experience across operations, brand management, creation of F&B concepts, virtual brands and restaurant turn arounds. I’m always open for initial free consultations and would be happy to explore your requirements! Let’s Talk!

It All Starts
With Ideas

We do everything from research, concept creation, design, menu development and operational management, to support in bringing the best out of your business.

Book your
free consultation
